Pizza at Plaza East

6.25.15-PlazaEast-#2_IMG_1903On Thursday evening, June 25, 2015 CommunityGrows held their second cooking event at Plaza East Apartments in San Francisco. We had a large crowd of youth and families who helped to make delicious pizzas from scratch! 6.25.15-PlazaEast-#2_IMG_1843We made our own dough and cut up mushrooms, peppers, and zucchini, and added kale and spinach from the food bank in the area. 6.25.15-PlazaEast-#2_IMG_1859Here are some great photos from the day.6.25.15-PlazaEast-#2_IMG_18726.25.15-PlazaEast-#2_IMG_1892Thank you Ms. Martha Hollins, Shannon Watts and Monica Bhagwan from Leah’s Kitchen for helping out and making the evening a success!6.25.15-PlazaEast-#2_IMG_18256.25.15-PlazaEast-#2_IMG_1909 Check out more photos on our CommunityGrows Flickr Photostream here.