William Cobb Elementary School Garden Workday

4.11.15-CobbWorkday_IMG_0826Under a beautiful blue sky with billowing cumulus clouds, great volunteers came out to help with a workday at Dr. William L. Cobb Elementary School’s garden on Saturday, April 11, 2015. 4.11.15-CobbWorkday_IMG_0819A wonderful group of teens from University High School, joined families and staff from the Western Addition Family Resource Center and the YMCA to help spruce up the Cobb Garden. 4.11.15-CobbWorkday_IMG_08064.11.15-CobbWorkday_IMG_0809Projects accomplished were weeding all the beds and paths, organizing the shed, removing trash, trimming the kale, harvesting sorrel, organizing clay pots and watering the beds. 4.11.15-CobbWorkday_IMG_0817

4.11.15-CobbWorkday_IMG_0816This was a great help in keeping the garden in tip-top shape for our Wednesday after-school Garden Club taught by staff member Ezekiel McCarter. Youth attend a one hour Garden Class where they will learn hands-on science in the outdoor classroom of a garden. Curriculum is aligned with grade-level CA Science Standards. In addition they receive instruction on basic garden maintenance. Youth can harvest the fruits and vegetables they have grown throughout the program cycle to eat during class and/or take home with them.4.11.15-CobbWorkday_IMG_0815
A whiteboard in the garden had the title Garden Giants (which looked a little like Garden Grants) and had the quote: “We give this garden…” with answers written down: water, seeds, care, life, respect, time, love, health, and color and art. Thank you Western Addition Family Resource Center, the YMCA and University High School for coming out and making this such a great workday!