Our Work

Our Work

CommunityGrows’ youth development programs provide a continuum of garden-based, hands-on environmental and health education programs at no cost to participants. Our curriculum focuses on environmental and garden lessons, nutrition education, civic involvement, leadership development, and job training for neighborhood youth.

Seed to Mouth

Encouraging healthy eating and food sovereignty through afterschool cooking classes

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Environmental Education

Promoting socioemotional development through in- and out-of-school garden curriculum

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Empowering teens through a paid internship focusing on environmental justice, leadership development, and job skills

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News & Blog: Our Work​
For more than four decades, the Safeway market located at 1335 Webster St. has been an indispensable resource for the residents of San Francisco’s Fillmore District. Providing essential services such as prescription fulfillment, banking, and groceries, it has been a linchpin for the community’s well-being. However, on January 4th...

Vanessa, a passionate advocate for outdoor education and sustainable living, has dedicated her career to teaching youth how to grow and cook their own food. Her journey began in 2015, fueled by a childhood interest that evolved into a lifelong commitment. Vanessa seized the opportunity to channel her enthusiasm into action, embarking on a fulfilling
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In the heart of San Francisco's Western Addition neighborhood lies a vibrant hub of growth and learning—the Rosa Parks school garden. At the core of its flourishing existence stands the Green Team, a dedicated group of parents committed to nurturing this thriving oasis. Among these passionate individuals is Doug, whose journey with the Green Team
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