The Seed to Mouth Cooking and Nutrition classes promote healthy eating habits and enhance food sovereignty through hands-on cooking guidance and culturally relevant food education.
The Seed to Mouth Program provides weekly after school cooking lessons at our three partner sites. We serve students in kindergarten through the 12th grade, empowering each of them to know where their food comes from and how to make even the most unpopular vegetables taste delicious!
To gain more information about our Seed to Mouth program and access our services, kindly complete our interest form.
If you are interested in volunteering in the Seed to Mouth program, visit our volunteer page.
“One of the most special parts of the cooking class at the WIllie Mays Boys & Girls Club, is that most of the ingredients for recipes can be sourced right from the garden. It adds a layer of autonomy and deeper engagement in the food being made because many of the kids have only gotten veggies from the grocery store, and have never seen how it’s actually grown”
—Vanessa, Garden & Nutrition Educator
“We are eating good tonight!”
-3rd grade student