Goodbye to Adrian and Melissa

After many years with CommunityGrows, we are saying goodbye to two of our wonderful staff members, Adrian and Melissa. While we are sad to see them go, we are so grateful to them both for all of their hard work and dedication! Read on to learn about their time at CG.

BEETS Grow in Our Neighborhood

Spring is in the air and our gardens are flourishing! But the sun isn’t the only reason the gardens are looking so fresh — the BEETS have been out in the gardens planting, watering, weeding, and cleaning to make our spaces healthy and inviting. Volunteer Alana shares about her experience working with the BEETS program this session.

Deck the Halls with Wreaths

Over the weekend neighbors and friends gathered together for the 14th annual wreath and card making event at the Hayes Valley South Community Room. Beautiful wreaths were created by all, with ribbon, trinkets, glitter, and bells adorning each and every one!