Naz, Candy, and Rashida are hard at work, taking care of their garden beds!
Today the BEET Rangers learned all the necessary skills for General Garden Maintenance, including: Pruning, Watering,...
Our mission is to cultivate healthy youth through growing gardens in low-income, diverse communities.
Our mission is to cultivate healthy youth through growing gardens in low-income, diverse communities.
Naz, Candy, and Rashida are hard at work, taking care of their garden beds!
Today the BEET Rangers learned all the necessary skills for General Garden Maintenance, including: Pruning, Watering,...
The Steepest Trail of the Day!
Today was awesome! We went for a hike in the Marin Headlands with Mike Yoshioka, of Hostel Adventures. Mike talked to us about what it takes to become a naturalist...
Sebron Brown and his new friend from Tree Frog Treks
Today the BEET Rangers went to visit the Inspiring Young Emerging Leaders (I-YEL) program at the Chrissy Field Center. It was...
Krystal Curtis, Candy Williams, and Calvin Yu get into the compost!
The BEET Ranger green job training internship has begun! We have 14 inspiring and wonderful youth working with us at Koshland...