
News & Blog

On Friday July 26, 2010 CommunityGrows organized a second summer field trip to Green Gulch Farm, thanks to our partnership with Mo'Magic and Prince Hall Learning Center on Fillmore Street.  About forty youth from six to eighteen years of age, boarded a bus and headed out to a foggy summer …

This summer Koshland Garden was host to many VIPs including Jared Blumenfeld and Keith Takata from the Region 9 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.  Mr. Blumenfeld is currently the Regional Administrator for EPA’s Region 9. This region encompasses California, Arizona, Hawaii, Nevada, the Pacific Islands, and over 140 Tribal …

Veggie Stir-fry, Mexican Salsa, Sushi, Bowtie Pasta, Spring rolls, and Baked potatoes!  Every Wednesday in July from 3-5 PM, a culinary theme was chosen and three dishes made.  Twenty to thirty youth,  parents, and volunteers came together to harvest, prepare, and serve delicious, nutritious and healthy meals which we sat …

Thanks to incredible volunteers and teen interns, our summer program at CommunityGrows was a smashing success!  We could never have served over 300 youth from thirteen organizations without you!  Thanks to Adrian Gaino, Ariel Miller, Stephanie Geballe, Beth Sachnoff, Veronica Nommensen, Braegen Carroll, and Gloria Lee.  Our summer youth interns, …

Building upon its long-term commitment to community involvement, Starbucks Coffee Company recently awarded more than $1 million in Starbucks™ Shared Planet™ Youth Action Grants in the U.S. The company’s goal is to engage 50,000 young people to innovate and take action in their communities by 2015. CommunityGrows was selected as …

On April 21, 2010 Nora Brereton and Barbara Wenger, both staff of CommunityGrows, met with Rosa Parks Elementary School Garden Team to discuss starting a new garden on the school site.  What a beautiful school with lots of space.  We met the school nutritionist, Louise Hjortenfalk, PTA President, Lora Hirschberg, …

On May 20, 2010 the Western Addition Beacon after school youth weeded out their plots and dug for worms, as well as gathered seeds from vegetables that had run their course. Imagine our surprise when we uncover delicious potatoes! Lina Ortiz joined us for the afternoon and then went off to visit …

On Saturday, April 17, 2010 we had a workday in Koshland Park and Garden, sponsored by Kaiser-Permanente. Twenty-two neighborhood friends came out to help us move woodchips, prune tree wells, sift compost, building planter aisles and spruce up the park and garden. Thank you to the great volunteers and …

Today first and second graders from the after-school Western Addition Beacon Center worked in Koshland Garden harvesting FAVA BEANS! Favas, really part of the pea family, are very nutritious and have many health benefits. They are especially high in fiber and iron and low in sodium. They even …

Your contribution to CommunityGrows is greatly appreciated! You can make your donation at the Tides Center Donation page. Please select CommunityGrows from the list of projects on the donation page. CommunityGrows is fiscally sponsored by the Tides Center, 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and the nation’s largest fiscal sponsor.