The Robert Pitts Apartments is a very friendly and welcoming community. The residents are very involved and want to continue improving their spaces and create more community activities for their future (and current!) families, children, and residents. We were honored to be invited to help the community transform their garden beds, together.
On Friday, October 20th, 2019, the Robert Pitts Apartment residents and CommunityGrows worked together to improve the garden beds. We cleaned up the garden for the new plants, deadheaded the plants growing there, and beautified the space. We added compost and blended it into the soil, which helps the new vegetables and seeds planted that day to have room to grow. After blending the soil, we then proceeded to plant a raspberry tree, lettuce, kale, and many different herbs.

Thank you Robert Pitts for including us in this wonderful event, we hope to be invited again in the future. Please enjoy these amazing pictures of the residents of Robert Pitts and some of our CommunityGrows staff helping the community, one garden bed at a time!