A great turnout for our Rosa Parks Workday on Saturday, April 27, 2013. Over forty volunteers from Starbucks joined many parents and friends of the garden to do spring gardening and cleaning. Another highlight of the day was placing tiles on the growing caterpillar that graces the wall around the Lower Garden. These tiles were created by parents and friends as a fundraising venture.
Rosa Parks has two basketball court-sized gardens, the Upper Garden and the Lower Garden.
The Lower Garden is divided into large plots for each classroom to grow fruits, vegetables and flowers. Ezekiel McCarter, our CommunityGrows Rosa Parks garden assistant, works with the teachers and their students in this garden, facilitating break time and doing whatever the teachers need. He also created a Garden Dragon club for youth to gain points for helping weed, and care for the garden. Students collect points which they can use to buy fun items and school supplies.
The Upper Garden is used primarily as a teaching garden with Nora Brereton, Director of Programs, in charge of classes. This garden has chickens, which are a few of the most exciting inhabitants of the school!
During the workday volunteers were busy weeding paths, mulching strawberries, planting seeds, turning compost, cleaning/organizing the shed, and watering in the Lower Garden. In the Upper Garden these tasks continued, as well as tending the chicken coop, and hog wiring the chicken run.
A delicious lunch was laid out with amazing foods and ethnic dishes brought by the parents of Rosa Parks. Umm, umm good! Such a treat after a great day with families and friends! For more photos, check out our CommunityGrows Flickr Photostream.