Rosa Parks Workday with CommunityGrows

9.13.14-RosaParksWkday_IMG_8066On Saturday, September 13, 2014 a great workday was held at Rosa Parks Elementary School to prepare the two gardens for fall classes. Rosa Parks parents, Principal Paul Jacobsen, the PTA and the Green Team joined CommunityGrows staff Adrian Almquist, Kelly ErnstFriedman, Ezekiel McCarter, Barbara Wenger and Serena Padilla to do over fifteen projects around the school and in the gardens. Three CommunityGrows Advisory Board members also joined us: Meredith Pavia, Casey Johnson, and Barb Fujimoto!



The list of accomplishments were numerous: straightening planter beds, adding compost, moving mulch, planting in kindergarten planter boxes, doing a 5th grade project, painting signs on the schoolyard, assembling butterfly and flower wooden cutouts along the schoolyard fences, cleaning up shed area, removing dead artichokes, raking up straw, cleaning herb garden, weeding beds and paths, trimming hollyhock , lemon verbena bushes, transferring compost, and spruce up the entry courtyard. 




It was a great workday and so much was accomplished.  Thank you everyone for making Rosa Parks shine! For more photos, see our CommunityGrows Flickr Photostream here.