Westside Court Apartments is a very engaging community with committed residents who are activating the outdoor shared spaces.
Westside courts is a pleasure to have in the neighborhood. I play basketball there a couple times a week (super convenient), and people are always friendly. It’s nice to come home to a neighborhood with something actually going on, whether it’s people heading to a friend’s place for dinner or kids skateboarding and shooting hoop on the court”
a community members expresses. The community members reached out to CommunityGrows to help rebuild their backyard garden beds and plant new plants.

On Friday, July 19, 2019, the community of Westside Court, CommunityGrows, and the Wu Yee Children’s Services had the honor of working together to help revitalize the outdoor community space. . We aerated the dirt (i.e digging in the old dirt so air circulates through) and we also used water to soften the dirt so it was easier to plant new plants. Afterward we prepped the dirt, we planted herbs, kale, peas, lettuce, radish, and mizuna lettuce. After we were done planting, the kids’ volunteers, along with the help of the adults, got to water the new plants.
The whole workday went amazingly due to the wonderful community volunteers who worked together to make a better garden for its community. Thank you to everyone who cooked and brought food to feed the hardworking people that day. Thank you to everyone who came out to help at the event or just came out to support. You are appreciated!